
Showing posts from January, 2019

Cathayan Border Patrol

Today's post is a bit different from the others, showcasing an idea and some interesting models rather than intensive conversion work (which isn't to say I haven't done a little conversion with this group). The full starting warband I developed a mild obsession with Border Town Burning over the summer. I think it sets a gold standard for fan-made Mordheim content, and fan-made content in general, through the sheer level of care and detail put into the project. The writing is fantastic and well-proofread, the warbands are flavourful, and the campaign, random elements, bestiary, and so many other peripheral factors elevate it even further. I've been reading Mutiny in Marienburg lately, another excellent supplement that has the marks of BtB all over it, though it hasn't yet managed to "wow" me in the same way. The Emissary, front view But I digress. I'm not as hooked on BTB now, but it did lead me to setting a (pretty lofty, if I'm hone...

The Road Warden and the Highwayman

After about four years away from actively engaging in the hobby, I decided to dip my toes back into Warhammer this past fall. I can't remember how it started, but by mid-summer I was religiously re-reading the Mordheim rulebook, and seeking out any supplements I could for it. Mordheim itself first came onto my radar about ten years ago though, when a local gaming club was holding an all-comers game at a convention I had been attending for a couple of years. The appeal was instant: it was at once so similar and so different from Warhammer Fantasy, the main version I played at that point. I immersed myself in Mordheim, downloading and printing off rules, warbands, and supplements, and eventually feeling confident to write some of my own. Times changed though, and I had less and less time on my hands. By the time I went to university, my Mordheim obsession was dormant, though I still had all of my old homebrew rules and documents. I intend to share some of those over time; for now, h...

The Veteran and the Revenant

This is an experiment in format: previously, I've posted all of my projects and content on Instagram, using my account  @cw.hobby . This led to posts that were very wordy and contained lots of photos to scroll through, and while I don't know or particularly care much about analytics and engagement, I know that I personally don't usually read long posts or scroll through long photo sets on that platform. This time, I've posted a shorter blurb and a few photos there, but the bulk of the content is here on the blog. I will likely continue with this format going forward, at least with more extensive projects like this one, mostly because it saves my thumbs, but also because for those who have similar browsing habits to me, this will be a better arrangement overall. *** Today's post has to do with two models I have been planning almost since the day I opened the Empire Greatswords kit. I call them the Veteran and the Revenant, the former an officer who deserte...

Mordheim Troll Tribe

Here it is: the first post! When I saw the new Gloomspite Gitz models, a large part of me became tempted to sell off most of my existing Warhammer and jump on them. I may still do that, but for now I wanted to share some homebrew rules inspired by some of the larger upcoming releases; that is to say, the trolls! Or troggoths, as I suppose they're called now. Seeing that crew of ugly hulks got me thinking: why isn't there a Mordheim warband that consists entirely of trolls? (There is, technically: the Brood of Ghurash from the in-progress Sealed City setting. Arguably, though, they're a very setting-specific breed of troll, and I wanted something more general.) So I set about writing one. The Dropbox link to the rules can be found below; these should be viewed as a work in progress, although it will take a while for me to playtest them (read: I may never playtest them). I wanted to discuss some design choices here, in case that's of interest to anyone. h...