Cathayan Border Patrol
Today's post is a bit different from the others, showcasing an idea and some interesting models rather than intensive conversion work (which isn't to say I haven't done a little conversion with this group). The full starting warband I developed a mild obsession with Border Town Burning over the summer. I think it sets a gold standard for fan-made Mordheim content, and fan-made content in general, through the sheer level of care and detail put into the project. The writing is fantastic and well-proofread, the warbands are flavourful, and the campaign, random elements, bestiary, and so many other peripheral factors elevate it even further. I've been reading Mutiny in Marienburg lately, another excellent supplement that has the marks of BtB all over it, though it hasn't yet managed to "wow" me in the same way. The Emissary, front view But I digress. I'm not as hooked on BTB now, but it did lead me to setting a (pretty lofty, if I'm hone...