
Showing posts from September, 2020

Mordheim Musings: Flawed Warband Design Part 4

Mordheim Musings: Flawed Warband Design Part 4 This is a long overdue wrap-up to my series of articles on flawed warband design in the Nemesis Crown supplement, and what I would do to fix it. If you haven't read the other three articles, you can check out part 1 (Gunnery School of Nuln) here , part 2 (Imperial Outriders) here , and part 3 (Hochland Bandits) here . You can also check out some of my other Mordheim articles here, here, and here.  In this post, I'm going to cover the final four warbands from Nemesis Crown: the Dwarf Rangers, Forest Goblins, Black Orcs, and Horned Hunters. Compared to the other three I went over, these are pretty tame in terms of design flaws, so I think it's a safe bet to get them all in one post. Without further ado, I'll jump on into it with... Dwarf Rangers I'll admit up front that I'm a sucker for dwarfs. They were my first Warhammer Fantasy army, my first D&D character race, and have held a special place in my h...