
Showing posts from October, 2019

Tales from Dunwall

Tales from Dunwall I recently shared a post on Instagram about one of my recent pet projects, a skirmish wargame based on Mordheim and set in the world of the Dishonored franchise titled Tales from Dunwall . It created a bit more of a stir than I expected, and I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people engaged with the idea of a Dishonored wargame. Though it's still in development, I want to share snippets on the blog over the next little while, in the hopes of presenting a playable draft by the end of the year, if not earlier. Most of the concept work is done (i.e. blocking out warbands, characters, stats), but the deeper I delve into writing it, the more I realize I need to consider. It's an interesting exercise, to say the least. In this post, I wanted to share a bit of my rationale for creating Tales from Dunwall, my design philosophy, and a tidbit of the rules modifications so far. It's a labour of love for me, but it also seems to interest a fair amount ...

Mordheim Musings: Short Bows for Beastmen

Today's installment of Mordheim Musings, a spur-of-the-moment heading which has become a semi-regular column on here, deals with a question that's been on my mind for quite a while, but that I haven't collected my thoughts on until now: should Beastmen Raiders have the option of equipping ungors with shortbows? If you've read my other articles (or, let's be honest, any article of this type), I'm sure you know where this is headed, but humour me. This turned out to be a bit deeper than I had first assumed. But First, Some Context The Beastmen Raiders warband saw its debut in Town Cryer #7 , way back in 1999. I know this, not because I was in any way involved in Mordheim or Warhammer then, but because I obsessively pored through and indexed the issues of Town Cryer over my summer holiday. That's not strictly necessary information, but it is relatively interesting to note that the warband then was not quite in its final form. It would be revised many issue...